15 December 2011

Week 16 - Splish-Splash

John is feeling much better thanks in part to his new bath tub.  He loves soaking and splashing in warm water every night, and we love the smell of a clean baby!  This past weekend we set off for a family trip to Philadelphia, where Erica reunited with the ladies from Ann Arbor and Matt met up with friends from Wellesley and Notre Dame.  Naturally, John was a huge hit!  He has been babbling, smiling, and laughing at anything that catches his attention - as you will see in the video below.  John even struck up a conversation with another baby, Thomas, at his Mommy & Me class; they spent five minutes blathering and smiling at each other.  It was hysterical!
Some photos and video from the week...



  1. I love hearing him "talk!" Keep the videos of the little man coming. =) Can't wait to see the Brady bunch again very soon! xoxo

  2. How precious....the video is so adorable. Such a happy baby. Love you guys. Aunt Elaine
