It. Fell. Off. That measly little raisin on John’s tummy finally fell off on Friday, 9.16.11. After weeks of avoiding that puppy during diaper changes, we were happy to see it go. We learned that it is good luck to bury the umbilical cord stump, so on Sunday we walked to Memorial Park and found a tree under which to bury it… but not before we collected some additional tokens of good fortune from around our home. With the raisin, we also buried a 50¢ piece (wealth), a one pound sterling coin (travel), a pencil (wisdom), a band-aid (health), a Eucharist pendant (religion), and a seashell (nature); all of which we buried with love (love).
Also this week, John and Erica tested-out the Ergo Baby Carrier. The weather has been taking a turn for Fall (so exciting), so they walked to Drip (local coffee bar) to enjoy the first Chai of the season. John seems to love it, as he does most wrap/carrier things – he’s a snuggler and not afraid to show it.
John’s eye contact continues to get stronger and more deliberate every day. His eyes seem to be following objects if placed close enough to his face so they are within his range of eye sight. We love to watch him as he grows into his body and are looking forward to learning more about his little (or big?) personality as he develops.
Some photos from the week…
On our way to the park |
Resting up for the main event |
Digging the hole... |
50 cent piece, one pound sterling, band-aid, seashell, Eucharist pendant and pencil |
In the hole! |
Scene of the crime - Memorial Park, Madison, NJ |
We haven't forgotten about you |
First walk in the Ergo Baby Carrier |
...yup, he's in there! |
Busy week - I'm tired! |
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