17 December 2016

25 Weeks - Corbett Eats!

Sweet potato:


It was a little thick, maybe?! But an overall successful first try.

07 December 2016

23 Weeks - Christmas Prep

This week was alllll about getting ready for Christmas! We decked the halls, and strolled the streets. Our first Christmas on Denton Road is shaping up to be one of the best yet! John shared with us that he (apparently) knows how to perform a mean Irish stepdance! Corbett is still fighting the staph, but on the mend, and John has taken to calling him "CorbZit". (I felt the need to document this here for retaliation in the future.)

The week in photos:
John helping prep the gifts for St John's Christmas Wishes!

01 December 2016

22 Weeks - Thanksgiving

This week we celebrated Thanksgiving! We had lots of family time and lots of friend time. We sure are thankful this year for so many things, but as John wrote on his thanksgiving hand at school, we are most thankful to have Corbett in our family! 

Corbett is still working on rolling over- hasn't quite made the jump, but he is persistent! 

The week in photos:



23 November 2016

5 Months - Notre Dame

So. We made it to South Bend and back home again! We had a wonderful visit - seeing the campus (and lunch in the dining hall!), visiting with family, relaxing. The weather went quickly from 70 degrees one day, to snowing the next! The boys were seriously rock stars. We hit a bit of a storm on the way home, so we stopped in Erie, PA, and stayed in a great hotel on the water. Good meal, recharged the batteries, and pressed on. Matt managed through some tricky weather and we were home in no time. I'm not sure what we were thinking with this road trip, but I would do it again. Thanks to Diane and Bill for their hospitality!

Corbett is 5 months old - He is a really smiley guy and changing so much, but still very chill. He rolled (mostly) over once, and is gaining strength and personality. I think we have a big month ahead of us!

The week in photos:



The storm!

Home sweet home!

"Mom, it's a heart. It stands for love!"