26 October 2011

Week 9 - Ouch!

This week we celebrated our first wedding anniversary (what?!) and John's official two month birthday (what, what?!). Thankfully, our anniversary didn't come with any pain, but, unfortunately, John's visit to the pediatrician did. John received another round of vaccinations and was not happy about it, but he took it like a champ. After a couple of drowsy (and cranky) days, he was back to his happy self. Thank goodness!

Over the weekend, we welcomed special visitors from Boston - Tim and Casey! John was happy to meet the boys and to kick-it with them around town and at home. We can already see the life-long bonds being formed with the little guy and Dad's friends. So cool.

Some photos from the week... 

 Los Tres Mosqueteros + 1
I'm still standing... even after my shots!

19 October 2011

Week 8 – All smiles

It’s hard to believe that John was born two months ago – time flies when you’re having so much fun!

John isn’t at all fazed by how quickly time is going and continues to hit milestone, after milestone, with grace. Although he has been smiling “on demand” for a couple of weeks, he’s really been showing off this week and it’s such a joy to see that he is quite a happy baby. He has definitely found his hands and has begun putting them in his mouth regularly. New this week is John’s attraction to some of his toys. He especially seems to love the animals with eyes that he can stare into. He also enjoys the different textures of different toys; swatting and grabbing away at them – thanks to all for giving him such a wide range from which to choose! Perhaps due to the increase in activity during the day, John seems to be sleeping for longer periods of time at night – thanks, buddy!

Some photos from the week…

Welcome home, Dad!

...well, maybe not ALL smiles

13 October 2011

Week 7 - Three amigos

Last week was a busy one!  Dad was away on business (we missed him terribly), but he left us with time to practice being the three amigos – John, Cooper, and Mama. John experienced his first walk with the dog; John in the Ergo, and Cooper on a leash. We developed a great morning routine that involved a quick stop at Drip while Cooper was tied to the tree outside. (The people at Drip now know us by name.) We rounded out our morning routine with a stroll around town. (I’m sure our trio is quite a sight for passers-by.) We love our small little town of Madison – everything we need is right at our fingertips! By Saturday, we were thrilled to welcome home our fourth, and we filled our weekend with some much more complete family-style strolls.

We had new (and old!) visitors this week. Great Aunt Peggy, Great Aunt Maryanne, and Great Uncle Fred came from South Jersey, with Mema, to celebrate Columbus Day and meet John. Aunt Cathy also visited to keep us company and is looking beautiful as she progresses through her pregnancy with ease. Finally, Sandra and Rachel (who is also looking like a beautiful soon-to-be mama), were back to kick-it with John and Mama. We loved having each and every one of you; hurry back soon!

John is continuing to practice, “levántate” (get up!), and “siéntate” (sit down!), and we were finally able to get some photos of him in action for all you non-believers.

We bid Dad farewell again (with more confidence this time) on Wednesday for his business trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan – our old stomping grounds! So a shout out to Ann Arbor from John and Mama – we miss you and our time there.

Some photos from the week:

Welcome home, Dad!

...this one's for Joe

Forming bad habits

Great Aunt Peggy

Great Aunt Maryanne, Great Aunt Peggy + Mema

Great Uncle Fred

Aunt Cathy




Proud mama

05 October 2011

Week 6 – Aww. Look at me.

This week has been pretty low key and John continues to be fabulous! Have we already said that he is awake more? He is awake more. More and more each day, it seems.

We filled our days this week by taking in the beautiful weather. We like to walk during the afternoon, find a bench, kick up our feet to people watch and enjoy a sandwich, or a sweet, sweet Chai. Unfortunately, the fall bees seem to like to do the same thing and since they wouldn’t buzz off, our trips to the street were cut short most days.

We spent the latter part of the week getting ready to bid a short farewell to Matt as he heads to Atlanta for work. We reminded him that gone are the days when he gets to come home empty handed – John wants a souvenir! Safe travels, Dad – we miss you already! 

Some photos from a few mini photo sessions this week…

Enough is enough!